APR. 30 Signed MOU with SkillsFuture Singapore
DEC. 20 held International VET Statutory Institutions Forum
JAN.04 Selected Assessment’s Implementation Organization of 4th Industrial revolution leader promotion training project
JUN.01 Selected Performance Assessment’s Implementation Organization of Work-learning dual system
JAN.08 Selected Assessment’s Implementation Organization for the older generation’s job academy
JAN.15 Started evaluation system for ‘Smart Training’
MAR.03 Started ‘Registration and Management System for Training Organization’
SEP.02 Signed MOU with Korea Worker’s Compensation & Welfare Service
SEP.22 Selected Assessment’s Implementation Organization for Junior College‘s Training Organization
NOV.04 Launched Fraudulent Activities Dictionary using Opinion Mining
NOV.30 Selected Implementation Organization of VET Training for Disabled people
APR.01 Established Korean Skills Quality Authority
JUN.12 Opened Fraud Investigation report center
OCT.20 Signed MOU with Australian Skills Quality Authority
DEC.15 Selected Performance Assessment’s Implementation Organization of Consortium for HRD Ability Magnified Program