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Trainee Evaluation
  1. 2015: 1,019 Courses
  2. 2016: 1,681 Courses
  3. 2017: 2,012 Courses
  4. 2018: 3,320 Courses
Conduct trainee evaluation

Based on the self-evaluation report submitted by the training organization, visit the training organization and evaluate the training course's evaluation plan, evaluation execution, appropriateness of managing the evaluation results and the achievement level of trainees

Improve evaluation standards of trainees
  • - Strengthen the link between training organization assessment and training course evaluation indicator to strengthen the feedback system between performance management and the business
  • - Verified the training performance by conducting sample evaluation on trainees
NCS based training record management

Systematic record/management of NCS based training record classified into ability levels to support training performance and career management

Support the strengthening of training organization’s capability

Disseminate best practices and support the performance management of training organizations by driving the consulting functions of SMEs

Trainee Evaluation Process
  1. 1
    Announce project plan and inform candidates
    Announce monthly application (KSQA, HRD-Net)
  2. 2
    Evaluation application registration
    Evaluation application and selfevaluation report registration (HRD-Net)
  3. 3
    Project plan announcement and inform candidates
    Individual notice by training course (HRD-Net)
  4. 4
    Conduct trainee evaluation
    Three Subject Matter Experts (Visit Training Organization)
  5. 5
    Announce evaluation results and objections can be applied
    Announce evaluation results orderly (HRD-Net)
  6. 6
    Provide additional preferential grant for training cost
    Grant provided by grade (Employment center/HRD Korea)